JeevanJyoti Children Development Organization was born out of Dreams carried by many of the active members who are presently working under this Organization. We came from different backgrounds. Some of us were already having experience in social activities. Some of us were working abroad. There were retired teachers, army personnel, doctors etc. However, we all got united by the urge to do something for the society. And we felt that we should focus on education of poor Children and support their mothers.
Since we felt that education is a critical necessity for social economic uplift, we started supporting economically and socially backward children in their education. A survey was conducted among the children in Niali Block and we came across lot of issues pertaining to education of children and particularly girl child. Since we started with child issues, we formed an Organisation under the name: “JEEVANJYOTI CHILDREN’S DEVLOPMENT ORGANISATION” (JJCDO) and got registered No. 23538/74 as a Non-Government Organization (NGO) from Odisha government in 2011.